DUGS vs Carrickmines Golf Club – TCD Pringle Cup

Carrickmines GC V D U G S

Venue: CGC
Date: 13.09.19
Match Captain DUGS: Huntly Lauder
Match Captain Opposition: Stephen Walker
Match Format: 4-ball, better ball


1. Guy Donald (6) + Roger Acton (16) 1 up V Fergus Duddy (14) + Ian Bryson (6)

2. George Donald(15)+Tony Nicholson(18) 2/1 V Gerald Tomkin(15)+Philip Myerscough(15)

3. Stephen Walker(11) + Dave Smyth(18) 2/1 V John Kenny (5) + Paul Williams (18)

4. Clive Chappel (19) + Donal Maher (13) 4/3 V John Lumsden (10) + Pat Garvey (17)

5. Clive Moutray(18)+Stephen Decourcy(14) 2/1 V Justin Carty (16) + Huntly Lauder (9)

Weather: A beautiful sunny day with little wind.

General comments, points of interest: Course in beautiful condition with work starting on phase 1 of their ambitous course development project as a result of Dublin slowly starting to get very close to the boundaries. A whitewash by CGC to make it 3 in-a-row. Good company, good cheer and a lovely meal.